Dubsdread Real Events – Mickey Mouse Clubhouse First Birthday Party

Dubsdread Catering Real Events at Leu Gardens

Real Events – Connor’s First Birthday Party – Mickey Mouse Clubhouse

At Dubsdread Catering we love being dedicated members of the team that makes your big day your best day. While we are masters at the planning and executing the behind-the-scenes work, we know our clients have their own unique perspective on their event. We thank our team member Carissa Llewellyn-Burns for graciously sharing her experience to benefit others.

GUEST OF HONOR: Connor Burns

EVENT DATE: November 6, 2021

VENUE: Leu Gardens https://www.dubsdreadcatering.com/venue-partners

EVENT COORDINATOR: Carissa Llewellyn-Burns, Director of Catering


Specialty Linens: Connie Duglin Linen https://cdlinen.com/
Centerpieces: Kayla Graziano
Food: Dubsdread Catering https://www.dubsdreadcatering.com/catering
Cakes/Dessert: Publix 

What were you (or Connor) most excited about for his first birthday party?
We always love seeing our family and friends. Connor loves his grandmas so anytime he can get with either one of them he loves it. Also, his aunt, uncle and cousin all flew from Pennsylvania to be here!

What aspect were you excited to plan the most? 
The centerpieces for some reason. I loved looking at Pinterest to see everyone’s super creative ideas. 

How do you feel the planning went?
Not the best! LOL. These things are a lot harder with an almost one year old. I used to be able to plan and create and take my time and have fun doing it, but it was such a rush this time because we’re always on the go and Connor is always getting into something! Can’t take my eyes off him for a second!

What did you find to be more difficult than you expected?
Having the time to finish everything. We were down to the wire to get everything finished but it all worked out!

What has been more fun about the process than you expected?
Asking for help! I never asked for help before! I had an amazing friend, Kayla, who helped so much with everything from centerpieces, to picking things up the day of, emotional support and so much more! 

What was the best, most memorable part of your big day?
Connor took his first steps!! It was so exciting! All our family and friends were there to witness it (or at least hear me screaming)!

What kinds of games and/or activities did you do?
We simply had cornhole boards set up and we did a super cute cookie decorating station with Mickey head cookies.

Is there anything you would do differently?
Black icing! I was trying to stay on theme and do red, black and yellow but the black ended up being not great to clean off!

More ideas can be found on our Dubsdread Catering Pinterest Board for Mickey Mouse Clubhouse Children’s Birthday Party 

Photos courtesy of Carissa Llewellyn-Burns.

connors birthday 1

connor bday 2connor fruit piececonnor and momconnor cookie decoratingconnor table setting

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